סרטוני נקראים לדגל

Israeli Brig Gen. (Res.) Danny Van Buren represents Israel in the 2024 ICGS War Games.

Danny Van Buren was a general in the IDF Reserves and Chairman of "Nikraim Ladegel" On January 18th, 2024, the Israel Center for Grand Strategy conducted a War Games event that included experts in different regions of the Middle East that are involved directly, or indirectly with the War in Gaza. Each expert was asked to represent the opinions and thoughts of the leaders in their region. Therefor, it is not the opinions of the participants or the ICGS.

Former Chief Reserves Officer Danny Van Buren, in an interview with Eran Bar Tal and the Eitan Center sit down and speak abut the conception that led to the 7th of October, the conclusions of the day after, and on the connection between a military decision and a psychological one.

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